Green Schools

Over the past few years, with the help of Recycle Michael, we have been working very hard to earn out Green School flags. Last year we earned our 6th Green Flag for 'Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste'. This year we are starting to work towards our 7th Green Flag on 'Global Citizenship - Marine Environment'. Check out the themes below to see some of the work we have been doing to make our school green.
Our First Flag was for Litter and Waste

We earned our first green flag for 'Litter and Waste'
We collected old mobile phones, batteries, ink cartridges and paper to recycle.
In the classroom and the staff room we sort our waste into paper/plastic bins. We all try our best to use recyclable bottles for our drinks and lunch boxes, instead of using cling film or tin foil! At home we all try to reduce our waste, reuse what we can and recycle using our green bin and going to the bottle bank.
Our Second Flag was for Saving Energy

We earned our second green school flag for 'Energy'. We read the story 'Guzzlers Big Book on Energy' and it inspired us not to waste energy like guzzler. We had a visitor from SEAI she helped us think of ways to save energy and did some experiments with us to show us how much energy we use. We even for meet Guzzler!
We save energy in school by turning off the lights and opening the blinds when it is bright out. Checking all the lights and boards are turned off before we leave the room. We close the doors in the corridors to keep in the heat, and turn off the radiators instead of opening the windows when we get too hot.
At home the children try to turn off televisions and computers rather than having them on standby. They turn lights off when the room is not being used, and they try to have showers instead of baths which uses less hot water.
Our Forth Flag was for Saving Water

We earned our third Green Flag for 'Water'. We learned about ways we could conserve water and stop water wastage. In school we check for dripping taps and make sure that they are turned off fully. We had water saving toilets installed in classrooms. We collect rain water in our courtyard and use this water for planting. At assembly every week the class that has saved the most water won the Conserving Water Trophy!
At home we turn off the taps while brushing teeth. Fill a basin when doing the washing up and try to choose showers over baths.
Our Forth Flag was for Sustainable Travel

We earned our fourth Green Flag for Travel. We all make an effort to walk to school, carpool or walk part of the way if we live far away. Every week the class with the most people to walk to school earns The Golden Boot. Here are some of the winners!
We also took part in a Road Safety Week and the children learned how to scoot safely with our Green Schools Travel Officer.
We earned our fifth flag for Biodiversity

We got our fifth green Flag. We had a special assembly to celebrate. Look below to see pictures of each year group singing or reading poems.
We also had an endangered Animals Assembly.
We had a school Planting Day on Tuesday 31st January! Michael, our caretaker spoke to the children in assembly and shared his vast knowledge. The children really enjoyed listening to him. He showed them an oak tree he planted and gave everyone some great tips. Every child in the school for to plant something that day.
Ms O'Callaghan's class have been studying food chains.
- Some animals eat plants, and some eat animals.
- Food chains begin with a plant, and end with an animal.
- Food chains show how energy and nutrients are passed from creature to creature!
Our Sixth Flag was for Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste

We have been working on our sixth Green Flag for Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste. In our school, we have children from all around the world. The children told us all about their counties of origin, they showed us the food their country was famous for and the flag for their country. We have learned about Fair Trade and even earned our Fair Trade Certificate.
St. Helen's Junior National School, Limetree Avenue, Portmarnock. Co. Dublin | Phone: 018461763