Physical Education

Physical Education
This year we are really enjoying working hard towards getting an Active Flag for our school. The aim of the Active Flag is to get more schools to be active more often. This is our first year going for this flag and all staff and children are loving the process!
Our PE Timetable
Here in St. Helen’s, all classes receive a minimum of 60 minutes of PE. We understand the benefits of active breaks and we make sure to implement these as much as possible throughout the day. The children get great enjoyment from the active breaks which may include: Funky Fruits, Go Noodle or a run around the yard. Please see our P.E timetable attached here.
Physical Education is delivering a broad and balanced P.E curriculum to all children in St. Helen’s Junior National School. All classes are taught 5 out of the 6 P.E curriculum strands each year. These strands include athletics, dance, gymnastics, games and outdoor adventure activities. Due to the young age of our pupils we cannot facilitate the teaching of aquatics in a swimming pool but the children do have the opportunity to complete swimming lessons when they move into the senior school. All teachers do teach PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) in classrooms.
This Year's Priority PE Strand
This year our staff decided to focus on the strand Outdoor and Adventure activities. Ms Rooney, Ms Walsh, Mr Shevlin and Mr Jennings organised and taught orienteering lessons to each class in their year group. The children very much enjoyed learning about orienteering and participating in the lessons. Our Walkway has been used by a number of classes for orienteering/Maths lessons! We are delighted to see staff and children using it.
Organised and labelled PE Equipment
Thanks to Ms. Rooney for all of her time and effort for conducting the 2022/2023 P.E audit. We have an organised, accessible and well labelled P.E equipment located in our P.E hall. The P.E section is well set up and it makes it very easy for staff and pupils to find and return P.E. equipment.
St. Helen's Junior National School, Limetree Avenue, Portmarnock. Co. Dublin | Phone: 018461763