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Saint Helens Jr School, Limetree Ave, Robswalls, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin


2022/2023 School Year

30th May 2023
Who is behind the mask? The children in room 15 enjoyed making their zoo animals...
30th May 2023
Senior Infants took advantage of the sunny weather recently. The children loved...
30th May 2023
30th May 2023
Enjoying a lovely picnic in the beautiful sunshine.
26th May 2023
To mark our Active School Week. Children will only be assigned physical activity...
26th May 2023
Yesterday we went to Paddy's Hill to practise for our Sports Day next Thursday....
26th May 2023
On Tuesday we were learning all about minibeasts. We decided to go on a minibeast...
26th May 2023
25th May 2023
We worked in groups to research our projects on the iPads. Then we wrote our reports. 
25th May 2023
We looked at the work of famous artist Henri Matisse. We made our own collages using...