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Saint Helens Jr School, Limetree Ave, Robswalls, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin


2020/2021 School Year

10th Sep 2020
10th Sep 2020
As a special treat to say well done to all of the students for their transition...
9th Sep 2020
We’re almost two weeks back in school now and to reward the children for doing...
9th Sep 2020
The ice cream van came to visit the school today. 
9th Sep 2020
We had a great surprise in school today. To thank the children for all their hard...
9th Sep 2020
The children had a lovely surprise today. As a reward for being so good settling...
8th Sep 2020
The children are settling in so well in the mornings. We're still doing informal...
4th Sep 2020
We have worked so hard and had lots of fun learning with our friends! We talked...
3rd Sep 2020
We went for a walk today and found fairy doors on the way
2nd Sep 2020
We have been settling into our new class this week and getting to know each other....