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Saint Helens Jr School, Limetree Ave, Robswalls, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin


2020/2021 School Year

15th Oct 2020
Here is some of the children’s art work from the past couple of weeks! The...
14th Oct 2020
This month we have been covering the themes An Scoil and Oíche Shamhna. Here...
12th Oct 2020
We've been busy learning about autumn this week. We looked at all the autumnal colours...
9th Oct 2020
The children in room 13 have been thinking about all of the great things that have...
9th Oct 2020
The children in room 13 have been thinking about all of the good things that have...
9th Oct 2020
We went for a beautiful autumn walk and collected lots of leaves. We used them for...
8th Oct 2020
Our theme for Aistear this month is focusing on the farm and all the activities...