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Saint Helens Jr School, Limetree Ave, Robswalls, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin


2021/2022 School Year

26th Nov 2021
Comhghairdeas lenár gaeilgeoir na seachtaine! Bhí tú ag obair...
25th Nov 2021
Art Inspired by History - Written by Aaron, Bobby and Clodagh In art this week...
25th Nov 2021
Friendship Week and Instructional Writing - Written by Clodagh This week we have...
25th Nov 2021
We have been learning the Our Father and how to bless ourselves as gaeilge. 
24th Nov 2021
23rd Nov 2021
We play ‘Maths Games’ every week. So far we’ve played Matching...
22nd Nov 2021
Over the past week in Maths we have been learning about Data. We've had great fun...